In this business segment we aim to be your best partner for effective excutive and expert search. Our approach will be individually designed to your needs. Our superior
process is greatly diminishing the risk of miss-hires.
There are 5 major differentiating points:
- We have a strong functional focus on Production, Lean Management, Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, Engineering and technical Project Management.
- We are using profilingvalues, an advanced, scientifically validated, non- manipulable method, which makes your gut feeling measurable. It is idealy applicable for personnel search and
- We have a strong industry and branch expertise. Our partners are former Executives and Managers with P&L responsibility in their business, which they have successfully led over many years.
- Speed: We continuously extend our international network of candidates. Our job specific competencies enable us to quickly evaluate the preliminary fit of the candidates.
- Very flexible fee structures, 100% success based, no interim payments.
Recent placements in the last couple of months (examples)
VP Quality, Automotive
General Manager, Automotive
Logistics Manager, Automotive
Manufacturing Manager, Automotive
We are very happy to discuss the details of our process. Just contact us.